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MrForks1987 t1_jegkdfn wrote

Football/Soccer, I’m sure everyone just feels pressured to like it so they and “the lads” have something to talk about.


partytimeloser t1_jegm0uz wrote

Idk man, it’s the biggest sport in the world for a reason. People LOVE the game


MrForks1987 t1_jegn197 wrote

I know, I know. People like to sit with a whisky and cigar too though and they taste like a gutter.


VanillaPudding t1_jegyad6 wrote

> People like to sit with a whisky and cigar too though and they taste like a gutter.

As much as I dislike soccer this statement isn't helping your point. I love whiskey and cigars... taste GREAT!


Bending_toast t1_jegkf8j wrote

Pineapple on pizza, it’s the only way to keep my brain from breaking


Firespark7 t1_jeglexw wrote

What's so weird about it? Sweet and savoury often creates great combinations?

Pizza came to be from combining random ingredients. Why is one specific random ingredient weird?

Pizza has a plethora of variations. Why is one specific variation weird?

Did you ever even try it? Don't judge food before you try it!


Bending_toast t1_jegnx9n wrote

>Did you ever even try it? Don't judge food before you try it!

Who hasn’t tried pineapple on pizza. Sweet (especially something as ridiculously sweet as pineapple) always overpowers savory so it’s all you end up tasting. Of all the variations of this cuisine this one’s hands down the worst. But I know you’re just trolling me and pretending to like it so it’s a moo point anyway


distracted_musician t1_jeglxds wrote

Tiek's shoes, the ones with the aqua blue soles. The fans are rabid and keep doubling down on their devotion with every new fugly color that comes out. God, I hate Tieks.


Martipar t1_jegxqd7 wrote

Anything popular that doesn't last in the public consciousness. I realised from a young age there's a lot of people who do stuff only because others do it, whether it's wearing certain clothes, buying a certain product or going on holiday to a certain location.


ShitOnYourKeyboard t1_jegjoa5 wrote



greek_falcon t1_jegkiuy wrote

No. I actually love tea. It helps calm me down after a rough day and it has a great teste. I love a hot cup of chamomile tea with one and a half small spoon of honey and maybe a bit of cinnamon