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antisocial-potato- t1_jeguxfr wrote

  1. lmao I gotta read that fanfic

  2. the panick attack (from a professional panick attack person lol)

physical symptoms:

  • the heart feels like it's going to burst
  • tight chest
  • the stomach cramps
  • the body shakes and sweats
  • you might have to pee or take a massive shit despite not drinking/eating much
  • you get a headache
  • you feel dizzy
  • the body may hurt randomly (cramps, zabs, itch etc)
  • you possibly throw up
  • feeling hot and/or cold

psychological symptoms:

  • stress
  • fear
  • confusion
  • rage
  • anger
  • intense insecurities
  • feeling vulnerable
  • fear of death