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TomboyNerd t1_iyf9wy9 wrote

Rapists and pedophiles getting basically a slap on the wrist if they see a courtroom at all. Plus all the date rapists


putinpunter t1_iyf9ycu wrote

Forcing children to be a part of religions.


bojodrop t1_iyf9z38 wrote

School. They lock thousands of kids and wash their brains in one big building. Tell them how to live life and how to go from then on. Then we get more people thinking alike and that's why the world is it the state it is atm.


Drakoneous t1_iyfav5x wrote

Can you expand? It sounds like you're saying it's disturbing that folks born without disability should somehow be ashamed or disturbed for not... I don't know... Calling more attention to it? Seems like you have something youd like to say on this point.


FuuuuuManChu t1_iyfayyp wrote

Nobody taking responsibility for anything.


MarieTsuki t1_iyfazm7 wrote

I feel society in North America is coated in a deep amount of racism towards individuals racialized as white. They are often blamed for the problems of every other group of people, and they are told their problems do not in any capacity matter. This racism is so pervasive it is often internalized by individuals who are racialized as white and they themselves can be the biggest perpetrators of this racism. When any amount of equal playing field is asked for, or accountability for the actions of others is asked for, they are often told this is racism. Attempts to establish equality feels like oppression to so many people.


Drakoneous t1_iyfb27n wrote

Elected officials that act like rulers and in no way have the capacity to relate to the people they're meant to lead.


Drakoneous t1_iyfc6lb wrote

No need to get defensive, I struggle to think of a situation where I myself would deny such an obvious advantage point. What would anyone gain from doing that? Trying to understand your perspective. If making a snide comment in return is all you have though...