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lilvexie t1_iyf5gc3 wrote

Trusting her with my heart and my secrets


takethelastexit t1_iyf5k3j wrote

Thinking that a ā€œgood guyā€ would be the same guy who would date a 15 year old while in his 20s. No ā€œgoodā€ adult dates a minor like that


[deleted] t1_iyf5plm wrote

Sorry to ask but what happened if you want to share?


takethelastexit t1_iyf64vn wrote

If you want the full story I have an AMA posted on it but basically he sex trafficked me and abused me


Wrong_File6764 t1_iyf6bq9 wrote

Ever meeting him. He is stalking, harassing, bullying, revenge porn etc. Itā€™s absolutely the most afraid Iā€™ve ever been of an ex and Iā€™ve dated my fair share of shit men.


pinchpokeowemeacoke t1_iyf5vbj wrote

Getting married at all. I knew it wasnā€™t right and I still went through with it.


Greedy-Wallaby1962 t1_iyf5z0m wrote

I canā€™t really say regrets because if I didnā€™t stay as long as I did I wouldnā€™t have my four beautiful kids I have. But if i pretend there was no kids involved it wouldā€™ve been staying with after he got another girl pregnant while we were together. Also staying with him after he almost killed me.


fullmoonxxx OP t1_iyf7fpr wrote

Iā€™m sorry that you were treated this way, I hope that you and your kids are safe and in a better situation now. You did the very best that you couldā€™ve with the situation that you were in, sending you love.


Pandamonium509 t1_iyf7mji wrote

Letting him lead me on then take my virginity. Only to find out that he was sleeping with 3 other women.


fullmoonxxx OP t1_iyf80dv wrote

Not your fault at all. You gave him your trust and he chose to take advantage of it, that is a reflection of his shitty character and not a detriment to who you are. You deserve so much better, someday you will find someone whoā€™s worthy of your love and trust


Pandamonium509 t1_iyf8pth wrote

I have. My husband is kind and caring. He has been my biggest supporter and I his.


fullmoonxxx OP t1_iyf9fca wrote

So glad that you found your person <3 Iā€™m sorry that your previous partner treated you that way. Iā€™m sure heā€™s gotten his karma


Positive_Bet_4184 t1_iyfel6a wrote

Sleeping with him again years later. I left the relationship feeling like I took control and he finally realised he hadn't treated me as he should. We lost touch for a few years, but reconnected as friends who seemed to have matured and moved forward so we met up.

It took me back to feeling 17 again and it slipped back to how it was. We slept together and j felt all confused so when I reached out afterwards to talk about that, he ghosted me and I regretted losing what I gained when I left.