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playingwithechoes t1_iyeybl0 wrote

I will always try to adequately repair before replacing something's that broken.

I can not stand damaged walls, floors, or ceilings in my own quarters. Have to have everything ship shape.

I do not tolerate bugs. I lived in several places as a renter that turned out to have bug problems. At one point, detonated a six pack at once of bug bombs and the buggers still survived.

I view ever purchase, frivolous or required, in terms of hours of work necessary to acquire it.

I splurge on Christmas gifts for friends and family. If I give you something, it means I want you to have the joy of nice gifts.


A_ThorusRex t1_iyez0af wrote

I literally feel ill when purchasing anything over 100 dollars.


MaggieMuffin122 t1_iyexs4c wrote

I still feel guilt when spending a lot of money on myself. Like, my thought process around big or unnecessary purchases ends with unable to rationalise spending the money.


Accomplished-Gas1848 t1_iyf309f wrote

I hoard food. Literally. I have dry goods in my pantry that've been left unopened for years now


jeephairdontcareJKU t1_iyexi8s wrote

My self control to buy things for my kids is uncontrollable because I didn't have much as a kid, so I want my kids to have everything they want.