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Werd2urGrandma t1_iyfbuu7 wrote

I was riding a bus on a field trip in central Illinois and an old guy in a car next to us stared as us (all children) without looking at the road for a few miles and then pulled out his dick and started jackin’ it. Still haunts me, yay!


BigNutzBlue t1_iyfchsh wrote

A fellow student threw his Walkman at the bus driver.


ZombieQueenIV t1_iyfcjn9 wrote

My mom drove a school bus and I was stuck riding with her while she picked up and dropped off high schoolers. I got in trouble and she pulled the bus over and spanked me in front of everyone. It was not only embarrassing but weird because I’ve never heard of a situation like it happening. Lol…


Key_Advertising2411 t1_iyfco76 wrote

A man had a stroke on the floor and we all had to get off and see him having a spaz on the floor.