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crybaby-conformist t1_iyex4f7 wrote

Tell them they’re right. People actually tend to question themselves more when you agree with them. There are definite exceptions to this rule. But for the average idiot, it works a lot.


Piri_Reis96 t1_iyex1pw wrote

just tell them that they're wrong without complecating shit


A_ThorusRex t1_iyf0omu wrote

If I just absolutely need that person to know they are wrong, I will present them with visual or physical proof that they are incorrect without bringing up the previous conversation. For example if someone told me frogs were only green and no other color, I would just say okay and then whenever I talked to them again I would show them photos of different colored frogs and say how cool the different colors were, while never mentioning the previous conversation "hey, I just saw all these different colored frogs! isn't that cool?" (Or something to that effect) . I find that showing someone they are wrong in the moment can cause embarrassment or even anger.. So again, if I feel it is even worth it to correct someone I would do it that way.


FavDaveInARave t1_iyf26qn wrote

Definitely not by capitalising every word in a sentence. That shits scary and makes people run away.