Derc_on_Reddit t1_iyf5nq0 wrote
Thanks to it, China can't go all savage. Kudos for that.
WaltuhWhyte t1_iyf5obz wrote
The food in the southern states is pretty nice from what I’ve heard
HeartOfAWitch OP t1_iyf5ydp wrote
I live near a National park. Went on an annual walk there on Friday with my family. We do truly have an amazing system of parks.
HeartOfAWitch OP t1_iyf608m wrote
I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been. But I’ve heard it’s good!
Piri_Reis96 t1_iyf60fh wrote
nothing is good. it's all crap. some people in there are good but that's about it
HeartOfAWitch OP t1_iyf6139 wrote
Well, that is nice.
HeartOfAWitch OP t1_iyf63f5 wrote
True. I think it’s easy to forget that, but we are much better off than a ton of places.
AdmiralBofa t1_iyf6mcd wrote
We actually have more free speech rights under law than most places.
Most Americans in their hearts are censorious a**holes who wish it was against the law for their enemies to speak, but so far, the courts have sided with free speech.
Most Americans also have no idea what the law on free speech is, which leads to a lot of arguments, but nobody gets jailed by the government for it.
newstuffsucks t1_iyf6tn0 wrote
Parks, freedom, nature, the size of the country and openness. Not needing a license to watch TV.
SiameseCarrotLicker t1_iyf77mf wrote
agreed, but imo what is a country other than a collection of people? Good people are what make good countries, such as our brave, REAL, democratically elected, president, bernie sanders
abandoned_by_time t1_iyf78j0 wrote
Washington State is beautiful. Nice vibe in the small towns. Found the people to be really friendly and courteous.
Piri_Reis96 t1_iyf7coc wrote
all the politicians are crap.
Extension_Leek9219 t1_iyf87qg wrote
This is the ONLY country in the world where you can come to with only the shirt on your back and become successful with grit, respect and hard work! It’s not always pretty or easy but very achievable with a goal achieving mindset!
pottedplane t1_iyf89jq wrote
Not a lot of censored media
SpiritOne t1_iyf8je8 wrote
Yesterday afternoon I went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant, with a lady of Indian heritage, a guy who was born in Burma, 2 men born in Mexico, a guy from South Carolina, and my pasty white boy ass.
And the entirety of this hole in the wall Mexican place with absolutely bomb ass food, cheered for the US beating iran.
We have problems for sure, but this country is a ridiculous melting pot of mixed ethnicities that have mostly come together to make it better for each other. And so many of us have pride in this country, and love what it’s capable of being.
We are more alike than not, and we all can be nice to one another. It kinda was this awesome moment yesterday when we scored, and the whole place was cheering.
Bombadilicious t1_iyf8xhm wrote
It tastes AMAZING but will definitely give you heart disease and diabetes
Bombadilicious t1_iyf924x wrote
Our national parks are gorgeous
butmustig t1_iyf93km wrote
Very sane take
SeedyPotato t1_iyf9hw7 wrote
Verrry beautiful and interesting geology. Also many hidden/unknown places that are super cool and no people around. A paradise for geologist/petrologists.
time_wasting_student t1_iyfaitk wrote
Compared to China, North Korea, SE Asia, most of Africa and the Middle East, most of South and Central America, a good majority of Europe, and Antarctica*
Better_Power1185 t1_iyfajm1 wrote
Sweet tea and pecan pie
ReginaldJeeves1880 t1_iyfcz3d wrote
The United States keeps the free world free.
The reality is, without the US, Russia would run rampant across Europe - think about what would happen were if not for US aid to Ukraine/eastern Europe just this year. Most of the major European powers (Germany, France, Italy) were caught off guard and were unprepared.
Of course, I don't think there is any arguing that were it not for the US, China would have already invaded/taken over Taiwan. China would also complete dominate the South China Sea.
So as much as people enjoy bad-mouthing the US on Reddit, the US plays a pivotal role in keeping the free world free and we are all better off for it.
MeesterChicken t1_iyf5lok wrote
Lots of business and career opportunities, very diverse country, great national parks.