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BE-tawhc t1_j2eur70 wrote

Talk badly about Americans, plus race/sex/police stuff


kromer_eater_1997 OP t1_j2evfbz wrote

Uhhh.. america bad bc white people!!!! Sex bad bc white people!!!! Police bad bc white people!!!!!

So this should attract a hoard of people to down doot, correct?


BE-tawhc t1_j2ew21s wrote

Pretty much, I said on another post the other day that asked what is a subtle sign someone is american. Said they get offended easily. Low and behold I got like 8 downvotes in a couple hours 😅


dgdio t1_j2euumx wrote

Praise Elon Musk and dis Keanu.


AdmiralBofa t1_j2ev16v wrote

Go into "what is something you hate" discussions and post anything at all. Fans of the thing will take care of the rest.


D-Rez t1_j2ev3xc wrote

Be annoying, confidentially incorrect, double down when refuted, but always stick to the subreddit's rules. Can't farm negative karma when you're banned.


Lud14 t1_j2evo0b wrote

Go on r/amitheasshole and blatantly go against the common opinion


TestedcatGaming t1_j2exqqf wrote

Go onto a sub and say what isn't popular opinion. For example r/conservative say non conservative stuff. Specific ones that'll piss them off. Rinse and repeat for other political subreddits. Go onto a post, search by controversy, just to see what people hate


thiquehoney t1_j2f5w53 wrote

Haha 😆 can I ask, why? Why do you want to farm negative karma haha. Just to spice things up?? 😂


kromer_eater_1997 OP t1_j2fg0j0 wrote

Fuck positive karma, would be much easier and quicker to get more neg karma and pass reddits most hated mods


rtlkw t1_j2euv0m wrote

Say anything right-wing


kromer_eater_1997 OP t1_j2euw6p wrote

I swear if this post doesn't go under. I'ma be pissed


the_purple_goat t1_j2eux3u wrote

Go onto r/politics and rhapsodize about the donald.


spoopy_emo_boy t1_j2ev4yh wrote

beg for something


kromer_eater_1997 OP t1_j2ev9uo wrote

Begging for negative karma will resort to positive karma. I want to be the #1 -karma user


spoopy_emo_boy t1_j2eve1h wrote

beg for more karma then ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯


amyaurora t1_j2evlwf wrote

I see a users with a lot of negative karma by just being jerks on Reddit.

They don't care who they offend and they don't care that too much negative karma keeps them out of some subreddits and can keep their posts and comments hidden.