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PoseidonPoolParty t1_j2ffc1p wrote

That it is nerd stuff for nerds and always has been. Which is okay if you like nerd shit, I myself do. But stop taking it so seriously. People bash on the sequels and prequels and act like the old trilogy is a holy grail, but my uncle could not even get through a New Hope he found it too unrealistic and goofy. He said that C3PO looked like bowling trophy and that R2D2 looked like a salt shaker and couldn't take them seriously. He prefers more grounded stuff like the Godfather and Tony Soprano. And you know what? That's perfectly fine. It is his preference. Star Wars fans need to lighten up imo.

And the fact that some star wars fans have bullied Jake, the man who plays Jar Jar and Marie Tran for starring in movies they didn't like is despicable.


burgerpizzatacocafe t1_j2fgfwq wrote

The Jedi have been engaged in outright genocide for millennia in their attempts to eliminate the Sith, who are the actual force of balance in the galaxy.

The Sith were originally a species that looked like an uglier version of Sebulba with tentacles, who were a race of force-adepts native to Korriban, that could more or less only receive dark side energies due to the natural evolution of the planet. They were a monastic order that originally had zero experience with militaristic warfare. Think evil Hare Krishnas that looked a little like Davy Jones in POTC dipped in dragonsblood ink.

For a real life comparison, the Lama caste of Tibet before the Chinese exile. Torture was commonplace, but all in the name of the middle path.

The Jedi considered them tainted and began a campaign to eliminate them from the galaxy. This order of balance who have always purported themselves to be the good guys blockaded a peaceful planet and either bombarded it with weapons of mass destruction or concentrated their force powers to suffocate it, depending on whose holocron you're holding. All in the name of good. ...I mean, balance. They retconned popular history to make it look like they purged themselves all at once by soaking up too much wickedness.

Before the Jedi purged the planet, it was lush and vibrant, possibly even oceanic like Mon Calamari or Manaan. It is now a desert with a handful of concentrated ruins.

The Jedi are the bad guys in Star Wars. The only fucking true neutral character in canon is Chewbacca. Or maybe Revan.


14DusBriver t1_j2ff40s wrote

Palpatine being brought to life in Dark Empire was fucking stupid

Anakin should have been older in the Phantom Menace

Coruscant looks too clean and nice in The Revenge of the Sith

I want to see a return of the Vong

The Star Wars galaxy would be more interesting if there wasn’t a unified galactic government


loopy183 t1_j2ffaq5 wrote

It’s just fantasy wearing drag.


megamoze t1_j2ffu7x wrote

The ability to destroy a planet is quite significant next to the power of the Force.


Sadek2019 t1_j2fg042 wrote

That people take it far to seriously. Either like it or don't. Stop getting pissed about it.


knobjockkey t1_j2fewi9 wrote

Star Wars is shit which isn’t even a controversial opinion