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Shadowcat1606 t1_j2favqc wrote

Because he's an idiot with way too much money who probably never heard a single No and who doesn't have to fear any consequences for his actions (because of said money).


windingtime t1_j2fbmnp wrote

He’s dumb and wants to seem funny/cool


zernichtet t1_j2fdayr wrote

This times a trillion.

Ruthless business psychopath believing his own cult bullshit and conditioned on his simps finding reasons to cheer for him no matter what.


[deleted] OP t1_j2f8g1i wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j2f8sjq wrote

I always knew he was an ass but I figured he'd have the intelligence and self-control to not squander the empire he built just to troll on twitter and get in bed with far-right nutcases.


Drogo10 t1_j2fcvad wrote

Cause he’s a douche bag. No need to over think it.


AdmiralBofa t1_j2f8ucw wrote

He uses his wealth as evidence that he's smarter than everyone. So he just does whatever pops into his head. It has always worked out before. Why change?


gentlemancaller2000 t1_j2f922u wrote

He was basically forced to follow through on a poorly considered offer to buy Twitter for WAY more than it was worth, so I think by he’s upset that he got so screwed on the deal and he’s taking it out on the Twitter employees. In his head I think he equates Twitter employees with left wing politics so he’s becoming more openly right wing to piss them off further. His fellow investors need to have an intervention


BuzzFledderjohn1 t1_j2fatez wrote

Billionaires don’t have to experience accountability the same way everyone else does. Who’s pulling him into their office and breaking down why his behaviors and choices are unacceptable? No one. He owns the office. He owns the building. He has all of the money and is in charge in every situation in his life. A life full of yes men and sycophants are why he is the way he is. Zero accountability.


[deleted] OP t1_j2f8d6l wrote



lizrah t1_j2f8n3m wrote

nah don‘t blame it on autism it‘s just him being him


greenstarq t1_j2f8p70 wrote

Please no, I'm diagnosed with autism too. We don't like to be associated with himz


AgoraSoul t1_j2fa1vj wrote

Autism is a very broad spectrum, so I can see that. (Autistic as well)


Dragmire_Afterlife t1_j2fajhu wrote

Because he forced himself into the public light online and thought he was untouchable and beloved and now he is dealing with the consequences of his actions.


LazyTension t1_j2faalw wrote

He’s conceited and has money. Not saying everyone with money acts this way, but he probably feels a little to powerful.


ThrowRA37899287 t1_j2faz2j wrote

Too rich to care and probably wants to piss people off because it's entertaining


[deleted] OP t1_j2ff0gt wrote

He's trying out neuralink on himself and either this is just a symptom of it (non woo theory) or that an AI has replaced his personality and is quietly priming the future AI takeover of the human race (woo theory).


EvenSpoonier t1_j2ffbu2 wrote

I think he's just an asshole now. Not sure why he chose that path, but I'm not sure anything he's done really requires any more complex explanation than this.


Cravethemineral t1_j2f8lhe wrote

I’ve never met him so his behaviour is a mystery and non consequential to me.


HornyDiggler t1_j2f8sqr wrote

Why are people obsessed with him?


cydorq t1_j2ffdpk wrote

Because before his dumb showed, people legit had hope that he would be a catalyst for change in the world and some miracle sci-fi transformation. So now that he’s just a meme, it’s both cathartic and catastrophic for the audience.


[deleted] OP t1_j2fahms wrote



jxjkskkk t1_j2fax08 wrote

This is disingenuous, that was the reason people thought he was cool before. The reason they are obsessed with him now is because people always need someone to obsess over and make fun of. He represents right wing thinking to the left and they want to see him crash and burn.

Personally I think he’s kinda a doofus but I really couldn’t care less about every little single fucking thing he does. People who do need to go outside


27SwingAndADrive t1_j2f92re wrote

Putin has blackmail on him. It's a big card for Putin to play, but Putin is desperate now and playing every card he's got.


joey456574 t1_j2fa3sf wrote

I would lose the plot after buying twitter


playballer t1_j2feo2f wrote

He knew he couldn’t keep up the Telsa charade forever. He built up the valuation on writing hype checks. You can only float those checks so long before they bounce. This way, he can blame the Tesla downfall on 👋mental health issues 👋 instead of poor business skills bordering on fraudulent claims and promises. He’s building a reputation for delusion of grandeur which is going to be his defense/excuse if the investors try to hold him accountable.


multidimensional9 t1_j2fgnf6 wrote

Because he needs to be backed by the people the system is trying to destroy, a sheep in wolves clothing if you will. The path of a dystopian future will be achieved faster with elon musk, he's a good tool for the elites


Leona_Faye t1_j2fgpcv wrote

He knows we’re about to see a monstrous crash.


jimicus t1_j2fit1m wrote

By all accounts he’s always been a bit like this - Twitter just happens to be a more public platform.


blastedoffthis t1_j2flnhg wrote

He wants to make a difference in this world.


EidolonRook t1_j2flnth wrote

His human suit needs fixing but he’s too busy sunning himself in the glow of his self image.


Kellykeli t1_j2fwcbj wrote

He’s always been like this…

It’s just that most people don’t really understand cars and rockets enough to realize what he’s saying is bullshit. Cybertruck was something close, but nothing on the scale of “why do we pay maintainers when things never go wrong?”


[deleted] OP t1_j2fb566 wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j2fd906 wrote



RevolutionaryPiano35 t1_j2feenf wrote

What way?! Beating NASA’s trillion dollar budgets with a private company? Releasing all the dirt on how we were manipulated and lied to by social media companies?

He’s actually making a change to the world, but Reddit is still massively manipulated so you guys are blind.
