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SmokeLawn t1_j6pclmz wrote

They give kids alcohol at mass and pretend its god's son's blood


its-a-throw-away_ t1_j6pd4t6 wrote

Belief in Christ, specifically:

  • that Jesus Christ is the God's only begotten son;

  • that he offered himself as a perpetual sacrifice to atone for humanity's collective sin;

  • was crucified, died, and was buried;

  • that he rose again, and ascended into heaven;

  • that anyone who believes in Christ will have eternal life.


mojoxer t1_j6pcriw wrote

See, we got this book…


rufusclark t1_j6petzs wrote

The fact that we can do nothing to win our own salvation. Christ has done it all.


LionThunder1 t1_j6pevq9 wrote

The power that Vatican and the Pope had for centuries.


EatYourCheckers t1_j6pgstj wrote

People who practice Christianity probably don't know enough about other religions to answer your question. You're better off asking a theology student.


besameput0 t1_j6pcfy2 wrote

Superiority and a white God.
