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badb-crow t1_j6p07os wrote

I mean, the long ago days of 1987 weren't that primitive.


[deleted] OP t1_j6p12zg wrote

Alot more relaxed back then, no social media, so the social pressure that young people feel now, wasn't a thing back then


badb-crow t1_j6p3e0h wrote

True. Lot more homophobia, tho.


[deleted] OP t1_j6p464b wrote

Being a minority has always sucked.


badb-crow t1_j6p4fxl wrote

Yeah, but the height of the AIDS crisis was a special kind of suck.


EdithWhartonsFarts t1_j6p14tr wrote

Survive? It'd be the late 70's. Shit, I'd thrive! Probably do my best to have loads of sex before coming back to reality. Haha, loads. Hahaha, coming.


cuisinart-hatrack t1_j6p6bqg wrote

Mid cocaine, pre AIDS. What a time to be alive!


EdithWhartonsFarts t1_j6p8889 wrote

Exactly. I'd do my best to get enough bush to invade iraq. Then, after a year, boom, gone, no consequences.


cuisinart-hatrack t1_j6p72fz wrote

Dodging the draft. Campaigning for Pat Brown in the CA gubernatorial election. (He was defeated by a b-list actor, Ronald Reagan)


IAmASwarmOfBees t1_j6p044u wrote

Like I do today? I'd go to school as usual, etc. Would it be diferent? Yes. No smartphone, no fast internet, etc, but like I survived when I was a kid, so why wouldn't I survive now?


[deleted] OP t1_j6p11p0 wrote



IAmASwarmOfBees t1_j6p1k6a wrote

Well, I'd probably just go to my local goverment since I'm not a legal adult. They are obligated by law to make sure I have a place to stay, then I'd just resume my studies.


Chad73 t1_j6p18oz wrote

im screwed they didnt have mobile phones in the 70's. I'd even have to wait a few years before the Atari 2600 came out for games.


weirdgroovynerd t1_j6p6mia wrote

I'd try to get hired by my parents as a nanny for the new baby.