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IAmASwarmOfBees t1_j6p044u wrote

Like I do today? I'd go to school as usual, etc. Would it be diferent? Yes. No smartphone, no fast internet, etc, but like I survived when I was a kid, so why wouldn't I survive now?


badb-crow t1_j6p07os wrote

I mean, the long ago days of 1987 weren't that primitive.


EdithWhartonsFarts t1_j6p14tr wrote

Survive? It'd be the late 70's. Shit, I'd thrive! Probably do my best to have loads of sex before coming back to reality. Haha, loads. Hahaha, coming.


Chad73 t1_j6p18oz wrote

im screwed they didnt have mobile phones in the 70's. I'd even have to wait a few years before the Atari 2600 came out for games.


weirdgroovynerd t1_j6p6mia wrote

I'd try to get hired by my parents as a nanny for the new baby.


cuisinart-hatrack t1_j6p72fz wrote

Dodging the draft. Campaigning for Pat Brown in the CA gubernatorial election. (He was defeated by a b-list actor, Ronald Reagan)