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ChristianSal2003 t1_j6p80m9 wrote

When people aren't direct about what they want or need from me


Fraige06 t1_j6p7ygq wrote

Being rude to people in the service industry


Fenix_Glo t1_j6pd8z1 wrote

People who need to be in a relationship bother me. I can’t stand people who snivel about being lonely.


Slickfiddy t1_j6p6vaq wrote

Littering, particularly while driving.


DeathSpiral321 t1_j6p8kf3 wrote

They talk so much that you can't get a word in, then ask you why you're so quiet.


LeavesOfBrass t1_j6phnhs wrote

I hate being interrupted when I'm speaking. I know that makes me seem self-important, like how dare you interrupt me. Maybe I am, I don't know. But I hate it. I think I mostly hate the inefficiency of it, like if you'd just be patient and let me finish my thought, the thing you just interrupted me to say would've been unnecessary, so why don't you just have some patience and let me finish and we'll both save some time here.


64Boy32 t1_j6p6rr8 wrote

Anyone with a very big ego makes me go no


4AcEsGaming t1_j6p97wg wrote

People who dominate conversations, especially if the conversation continuously bounces back to being about them


the_river_nihil t1_j6pdzt4 wrote

People who highly editorialize / exaggerate stories. I get that there’s some margin for fluff and paraphrasing, that’s allowed in the spirit of good story-telling, but if I was literally there when it happened and I’m hearing this bullshit recounting of things that never went down…. Like, maybe that’s just not that interesting of a story, ya know? Especially having people put words in my mouth.

Worse yet, people who straight up steal stories. I was hanging out with some friends once and one guy is talking about a crazy encounter he had with a dude at a bar. My other friend pipes up and says “Oh yeah? What bar was it? What’d the guy look like, was he white? Was he black? Older, younger? YOU DON’T KNOW, DO YOU? Because that didn’t fucking happen to you; IT HAPPENED TO ME you silly bitch!”


Unhappy_Fun_1309 t1_j6pefx5 wrote

People who change their act constantly while around different people. Can't trust a person who has now idea who he is