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jellyrot t1_j6oft3g wrote

Google fi


thenovaisover t1_j6og6c8 wrote

Seconded; I've had Google Fi for a few years now and it's been great!


Its_Me_Rae t1_j6offc9 wrote

I've had AT&T for a few years without issue. You'll find people who complain or like having any company though.


OstendeVetitiSexus t1_j6ohysy wrote

Verizon is fuuuuuucking trash..spam calls and text every day

Hundreds or report spammers. Even called to have it stop. It got worse. Fuck Verizon. Its just slighlty better than at&t. But not by much.


readitm0ar OP t1_j6oois1 wrote

I’ve never hated a company so much.


OstendeVetitiSexus t1_j6orlhr wrote

Me either. Theyre all slowly turning into garbage. I wish we knew how much they make off of our personal info


jteta12 t1_j6ofnjv wrote

Sprint was great for me in NY before the T-Mobile merger.

I agree Verizon is trash.


readitm0ar OP t1_j6ogac6 wrote

TRASH! Their payment online wasn’t working with three different debit cards, called them and they said it’s a $10 charge for paying over the phone!!!! When it was a problem with their own website! I’m paying $100 a month for one line. I’m so pissed off 😤


OstendeVetitiSexus t1_j6ohjf5 wrote

Why are you paying $100 a month? I pay $50 for unlimited. $45 for some reasoning. cant figure out wht i have a contunal roll over $5


readitm0ar OP t1_j6oog2m wrote

deal for unlimited $80 then +$11 monthly for replacement if my phone breaks (usually does once a year) plus service fee and taxes= $100 for one line with Verizon. Absolutely ridiculous.