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SmokeLawn t1_j6pbbk2 wrote

They feel like aunts/uncles or nieces/nephews


honeydewboba420 t1_j6pbf7t wrote

basically having another parent if they’re much older and having a son/daughter if they’re much younger


AmoebaAlarmed1911 t1_j6pbgbb wrote

I have a sister whose 32 Im 22. She’ll always be my sister and I love her but growing up and to this day I feel like I never connected and dont know her.


fades_to_black07 t1_j6pbhkt wrote

It's like having kids. I've got 2 brothers that are 10 and 13 years younger than me. I felt more like their dad than their brother.

On the other hand, I have a sister that's 8 years older than me and we had a great brother/sister relationship when I was growing up.


PreheatedMuffen t1_j6pcxqe wrote

I have a brother that is 10 years older than me. He moved out when he was 17 so I didn’t really have much of a relationship with him as a kid. It wasn’t until I was around 18 that we started interacting more and now I’m just as close with him as I am with my other siblings.


Chemicalbanana0 t1_j6pduf0 wrote

I’m 10 years older than my sister, and she was my little shadow when she was a kid, she wanted to come everywhere with me. I used to do pretty much everything for her from the school run, doing her hair and taking her to appointments, and staying overnight at the hospital with her when she had her tonsils out and things like that. Definitely felt like a mother figure to her, but we were so close, she always wanted to sleep in my bed with me, never got a minute to myself lol.


Kimberlylynn2003 t1_j6pj8bs wrote

I’m 38 and my brother is 50… so we are 12 years apart.. his kids were more like my siblings growing up.