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New_Persimmon_77 t1_j6pdq1q wrote

Not even remotely. As a matter of course, it's something I completely avoid at all costs.


Ordinarypanic t1_j6pdsh1 wrote

Not at all, generally only think about it when someone brings it up


Smirknlurking t1_j6pdtsz wrote

Very important, as a disproportionate number of religious people tend to hold positions of power and make policy I don’t agree with.


XxXWatchItAllBurnxXx OP t1_j6pe31a wrote

That is a fire ass answer because how is it even legal to impose that kind of shit on the "land of the free"?


Smirknlurking t1_j6peh4k wrote

I’m not in the land of the free but the point still stands


XxXWatchItAllBurnxXx OP t1_j6pem7i wrote

Ain't shit here free so there's that. But yes point still stands


Smirknlurking t1_j6pf6no wrote

Yeah rather than do things in “His” name, I’d rather my leaders were capable of debating issues and forming opinions themselves


XxXWatchItAllBurnxXx OP t1_j6pfhfg wrote

Exactly. Most folks can't even tell you why they are religious. Just making it up as they go instead of taking accountability and responsibility. No "he" does not work in mysterious ways. You paid extra on your light bill and got a credit no God was looking out for you


Smirknlurking t1_j6pg2ej wrote

I was born into a religious family. I can understand a kid having an imaginary friend but not a whole group of adults sharing the same one


XxXWatchItAllBurnxXx OP t1_j6pga5x wrote

Well they all know him. Heard he's a dick tho.


elver-galarga-- t1_j6pdpy7 wrote

Not important at all. I hate saying this cause it sounds super annoying, but I prefer spirituality over religion.


CapG_13 t1_j6pdu91 wrote

It's not, but that's not to say that I don't believe in God, because I do.


doublelife456 t1_j6pe3vb wrote

Not at all. I don’t need religion to “bribe” me to be a good person lol. I choose to be kind and empathetic out of the goodness of my heart rather than selfishly do it in order to attain good deeds to go to heaven, etc.


Zoh4nn t1_j6pe66a wrote

Very important. So important that i forgot about it 😎


mangochutney55 t1_j6pee31 wrote

Important in the sense that it gives me a sense of culture and an affinity for my community and heritage. Not so important in strict orthodox practice/rituals.


Quercus408 t1_j6pfgzu wrote

As an atheist, it's important to me when I'm lucky enough to be a part of a respectable and conducive discussion on religion, spirituality, and and the part it plays in the human experience, good and bad. Beyond that, it's not important to me at all.


XxXWatchItAllBurnxXx OP t1_j6pfpj3 wrote

Also an atheist (hey buddy), that is the only time I feel anything about the subject.


Tistoer t1_j6pg1mv wrote

As an atheist, not really.


ActiveKindly7419 t1_j6pdvm2 wrote

Not at all. Unfortunately it’s very important to my SO which is really causing some issues lol