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Four_Duck_Snakes t1_j6pbvri wrote

Act like you have the job as soon as you walk in. Tell everyone the Lord came to you in a dream last night and said that you start on Monday, so here you are!


Smirknlurking t1_j6pcczo wrote

Bring my mother as a support person


iamnobody1970 t1_j6pbtfj wrote

Give everyone a kiss on the cheek instead of shaking their hand.


LiehTzu t1_j6pcm6s wrote

"This is a Europeans greeting, it's classy."


fmadudet t1_j6pc51u wrote

Interview them instead


saltyeleven t1_j6pf65a wrote

I had an interview once where the guy came in and acted like he didn’t want to be there, didn’t know what the job was for, complained about his allergies the whole time, and basically tried to get us to “sell him the job”. After he left my manager and I were like WTF was that?!


brock_lee t1_j6pc51y wrote

I've thought it might be amusing to get a vibrating butt plug and wear that. They are never silent and there's no chance the interviewer would not hear it (assuming an in-person interview). If they said anything like "do you hear that buzzing?" I would always deny, deny, deny.

It's not the MOST awkward, but it's something I think about.


Sheesha1992 t1_j6pc52z wrote

When looking at who is talking, look between their eyes. They will feel like you are looking through them not at them and start to feel uncomfortable. I do this when my boss pisses me off. Fun every time.


KopiteXI t1_j6pc92r wrote

Just sit there smile be amazing...but keep farting...quiet ones..let them build then cock ya leg to the side and rip while mid sentence. The key is to act like nothing happened!


LiehTzu t1_j6pcskg wrote

Skin tight biker shorts that clearly outline my anatomy. Remind the interviewer that "my eyes are up here!" every now and again, whether they look or not.


oilman300 t1_j6pclf3 wrote

Stare at the interviewer and lick your lips constantly.


Traffic_Nerd t1_j6ph4uo wrote

Walk in wearing pj's and a robe with some food on a plate. Every time a question is asked take a bite of the food and stare the interviewer in the eye as you answer, making sure food falls out of your mouth onto the plate. After the food is finished, ask for milk. If they don't have any, get angry and storm out.