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gerandranaheim t1_j6ol2og wrote

Be confident and have a good personality.


[deleted] t1_j6okmj5 wrote

Stop looking and trying to get one. Focus on your own self and eventually, you will meet someone at the right place right time and it will work. Trust me! Also, life is soo much better when you focus on your own approval instead of trying to get others to like you


Cometguy7 t1_j6okjpt wrote

Respect yourself and show interest in others. There's all kinds of women out there.


yuribotcake t1_j6okg4u wrote

Start by becoming a good friend first. Then make moves.


barcodes_13 t1_j6oldmg wrote

Then get friendzoned

Or get a gf

Depends which one


yuribotcake t1_j6olyc3 wrote

If get friendzoned, learn from bad moves. Also knowing that you can ruin a good friendship by wanting it to be more. Especially if it doesn't work out.


Blurringallthelines t1_j6okrpt wrote

Work hard at becoming the type of person that the person you’re looking for is looking for. - Andy Stanley. Disagree with much of his worldview but this was a gem. Good luck!


Fudgeshovel t1_j6oksoa wrote

According to your user name your a lawyer. Lawyers make money. Some women love men with money. BOOM


lil19_ t1_j6ompw7 wrote

Everyone in the comments have great points that I agree with. I also think an important thing is to learn how to make moves on women without making them uncomfortable or being pushy, also respect their boundaries when you do so.


ConShop61 t1_j6oo1q7 wrote

be average looking or attractive, if on a school/faculty setting try befriending the quiet female, she might not be as demanding and might be more genuine than other girls


blackknight201071 t1_j6opq6y wrote

Be rich, famous, or powerful. If you can propel yourself into one of those categories looks become completely irrelevant and you become a magnet to most women. See...Bernie Eccleston, Rupert Murdoch, Mick Jagger, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, the list is never-ending.


lobsangr t1_j6p7c4m wrote

Download tinder / bumble. I met my current girlfriend on tinder. And we've been together for 4 years now. 👏


MadJen1979 t1_j6oky3h wrote

Obtain hammer.

Find woman.




ConShop61 t1_j6oo5dg wrote

Am I supposed to knock her out with the hammer and hide her in the basement?