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D-Rez t1_j6phbxi wrote

What do you mean by "should"?


Rimworlds t1_j6phtd6 wrote

What’s important is that teenagers have access to condoms + other contraceptives, and have basic sex education taught to them early so they are prepared and aren’t being reckless.


BoyfriendOfChrist t1_j6piwr2 wrote

Well, in order for anyone to answer, you need to define when exactly you think teenagers should lose their virginity


MeesterChicken t1_j6phevm wrote

When should they lose their virginity?


ThatguyIncognito t1_j6phn65 wrote

If it's way before they should then they, by definition, shouldn't. Do they? Often. How long has this been going on? For as long as there have been teens.


thatbigtitenergy t1_j6pjbzz wrote

I think most people are ready to start having sex in their teenage years, it’s not a huge deal


nopestillgotit t1_j6pjrbn wrote

I guess it’s not a problem, it’s not anyone’s business. I lost mine at 14 and I didn’t regret it, but it wasn’t pleasant. As long as they’re being safe I guess? Which from what i’ve seen, they’re not being. I know 4 people off the top of my head who went to my school who had children by 17, so yeah…


Boredandsleeps t1_j6pjwjp wrote

There's nothing you can really do to stop them from having sex and telling them should wait until they're of legal consenting age is just going to make them want to do it more, you can only educate them on the meaning of consent, healthy communication between 2 partners and to use proper protection for safe sex.