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LakeHavasoma t1_j6p378u wrote

Of the White House? There's already a fence and the Secret Service guarding it.


MeesterChicken t1_j6p27p8 wrote

What should the federal government even do? A wall or hiring more Border Patrol isn't going to stop these people from coming.


sleepylillingenberry t1_j6p2wfo wrote

They should certainly be making it easier to seek asylum which is completely legal


Flaky-Fellatio t1_j6p5wio wrote

Dude I'm so sick of hearing about the Southern Border. It's yet another made up controversy for Republicans to whine about instead of coming up with constructive ways to improve the country. If you think border security is so important why don't you go join the Minute Men and spend your time trying to stop Central and Southern Americans from illegally crossing our massive ass border with Mexico yourself? Why don't you care about our border with Canada? Ever think that maybe what makes Canada not a threat could also make Mexico not a threat if we focused our resources on creating that sort of situation instead of needlessly antagonizing them?


Pemminpro t1_j6p6gmz wrote

Yes the purpose of the executive branch is to carry out and enforce laws. To not do so is a derelict of that duty.


words_over_the_moon t1_j6p7pr3 wrote

Probably. Most countries secure their borders. It seems a bit nuts to not secure them.

It seems even more nuts people would make it a political issue.

What do you want to happen? Let everyone in so you can feel somehow morally superior to others? These people would be at a disadvantage to those who immigrated legally. Is this what you want? To use a bunch of people having hard times to feel superior to others? You don't want them to have an actual good life instead?

But whatever, the actual immigration debate can be a separate issue. Perhaps you want more people, perhaps you want less. Figure that out later.

The first step is to plug the hole in the boat, after that you can decide which direction to sail.


LiehTzu t1_j6p2vpe wrote

We should grant more asylum seekers refuge.


yesmaybeyes t1_j6p3isp wrote

Maybe we could give companies building new factories incentives to build them in other American places, we are not in a war against the migrants and is way past time to stop thinking that way.
Punishing travelers, is just wrong and an unjustifiable anti-freedom.


DrColdReality t1_j6p3xxc wrote

Despite the white nationalist fearmongering of the right--and especially the Angry Pumpkin--illegal immigration has been steadily DROPPING over the last 20-ish years, mainly due to improved economic conditions south of the border. When Trump oozed into office and began shrieking about Mexican rapists, illegal immigration was at an historical LOW. As in, ever.

Of course, all the other propaganda white nationalists scream about is also bullshit. Far from being murderers and rapists, illegal immigrants are on the average MORE law-abiding than native citizens.


melditz t1_j6p7dw9 wrote

I'm gonna preface this by saying that I'm a Republican, just for my own shits and giggles.

There's nothing we can do about the actual border to fix the problem of illegal immigration. If you build a better fence, you build a better fence climber.

IMO, I think we should make it far easier to get a work visa and TIN (taxpayer identification number). This would not only ensure that those entering the country pay their fair (or unfair, since who likes taxes) share, but it would ensure that they are able to receive the benefits that taxpayers are entitled to (ie., disability, social security, etc.), and be paid "on the books".

More importantly, this would hold employers accountable when it comes to job safety, fair wages, and fair hours (which include overtime), workman's comp, and so on.


WickedSmoder t1_j6pa1dw wrote

Yes we should do something. I believe: we are not going to be able to deal with the sheer numbers of people who have entered our country illegally. We can't even begin to deport them, and we also shouldn't give them free shelter, food, and healthcare when we can't even provide these things to our actual citizens. We have to have people enter legally there's a process and laws that should be observed. Part of the problem is that there is too much incentive to come here illegally. We do need to secure the border first, then offer an amnesty program for those who are already here. A path to citizenship that is attainable but requires the applicant to invest in the process. Once those 2 things are done or in process. Then totally remove all incentives to come. For non-citizens or those without an application for citizenship, no housing, no banking, no automobile purchases, no jobs, no credit, no loans, no state funded medical care, no citizenship for children born to non-nationals. No harboring non-nationals, no employing them under the table. If coming here has zero benefits, people won't risk life and limb to sneak in.


SnooChipmunks126 t1_j6pfzme wrote

Honestly, I feel like Congress should do it’s job and pass some immigration reform. The current system is slow, complicated, and inefficient. One shouldn’t need to jump through hurdles to renew their visas.


only7inches t1_j6p3u3e wrote

People crossing the border is only a symptom of the problems caused in other countries by obsolete Republican policies.
Solve the political chaos in Central America and you solve the border issue.