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DenyScience t1_j6pco20 wrote

Reply to comment by Emiliootjee in People who are pro life, why? by sia_q

It creates pressure to create more food and advance technology to overcome the issue.


Emiliootjee t1_j6pdbsz wrote

And when the world can no longer sustain the amount of humans?


DenyScience t1_j6pdsiv wrote

Then we'll get pressure to expand off world and we'll become a space-faring species.


Emiliootjee t1_j6pektk wrote

And if were not ready for that?


DenyScience t1_j6pf50u wrote

Then we'd still be in a better position for humans than the anti-life position that is presented as an alternative.


Emiliootjee t1_j6pfz23 wrote

So having people start dying off because theres too many of us and not enough food and housing and basic necessities is better than allowing abortions to people who dont want a child but unfortunately got pregnant?