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Obes99 t1_j6pg0wn wrote

One. Nick Cannon


fubo t1_j6pg58n wrote

No such minimum exists, since lesbians can have gay sperm donors!


[deleted] t1_j6pgpqh wrote

Why does the donor need to be gay?


fubo t1_j6pgt7k wrote

They don't. The question was about the minimum number of straight people.


[deleted] t1_j6phm4l wrote

Aaaah. Got you. You're dead right.


fubo t1_j6phxax wrote

Humans turn out to be really good at making more humans. We don't have any kind of shortage of human-making. Any time anyone says something that ends with "... and then, the humans would stop making more humans!" they're basically saying "I AM A CLOWN BUTT, BUH BUH BUH!"

In exceptional cases where psychotic human dictators have prevented normal reproduction (see: 20th century China) there are, fortunately, other repositories of humans who have maintained normal reproduction. When China's population crashes, it can be replenished from other parts ot the planet.


[deleted] t1_j6pj0ru wrote

I don't think that's a viable option for China. Sure they can take in people from other parts but the amount of people needed would be extraordinary.

And I'm gonna assume that at some stage in the future other parts of the world will have the same problem China, Japan, USA, Europe etc have now.


fubo t1_j6pj43u wrote

Oh, to be clear, I expect the current China political regime to collapse horribly following the population crash it created.


LennaPine t1_j6pjamn wrote

Also there are scientific ways to create a child using the DNA from the eggs of two lesbians. It's kind of a new technology but pretty interesting.

The egg donors don't have to be lesbians but often are, I think.


SilasMarner77 t1_j6pgsqn wrote

I'm a gay male but I've donated sperm numerous times to various lesbain couples.


tabshiftescape t1_j6pg4hd wrote

There’s something called the 50/500 rule you should look into.


LastSaphire t1_j6ph79t wrote

with technology like IVF i believe the answer is Zero


Manzana_con_canela t1_j6phuhx wrote


Bisexual people exist, for a start, and even if every human was homosexual, IVF still will work.