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FLRAdvocate t1_j6or3pg wrote

Only when they do it in subs not intended for it.


MiraYorr OP t1_j6orhnr wrote

I whole heartedly get that, there’s so many legit places to promote I don’t understand spamming dms or posting to non related groups


Tubesock1202 t1_j6oqg9i wrote

I view it like any other kind of advertisement; I ignore it.


MiraYorr OP t1_j6oqm9t wrote

That’s how I feel about it as long as it’s not being spammed in inappropriate groups or direct messaged lol


Tubesock1202 t1_j6oqqsy wrote

I'm not online enough for that to be a problem for me.


MiraYorr OP t1_j6or9jx wrote

See I don’t really get why so many people here are that upset about it when I never see them promoted outside of strictly promotion groups here on Reddit lol but some guys are livid about being advertised to


APhonkyMexican t1_j6pbt8n wrote

Nope get your money but don’t be on dating apps


[deleted] t1_j6oq0eh wrote



MiraYorr OP t1_j6oq4au wrote

I see guys complain about it a lot never see girls upset by it 🤷🏻‍♀️


WrittenOnYaKitten t1_j6oq0w7 wrote

Because they keep spamming me!!

Sorry, but there’s a time and place for pussy. STOP FOLLOWING MY TWITTER


MiraYorr OP t1_j6oqa4u wrote

That’s fair lol I kind of mean more just stumbling across girls promoting it, being spammed is obviously annoying


Cometguy7 t1_j6oq41u wrote

Usually, for the same reason I don't like anyone else pitching their business as I'm going about my day. I have no interest in your product, and would prefer you not disturb me.


chalkitover t1_j6oq5gf wrote

Yeah! These girls and olyfans man


D-Rez t1_j6oq6z3 wrote

A couple at work got told to not wear shirts promoting their webcam side hustle lmao


MiraYorr OP t1_j6oqdqq wrote

That’s actually so fucking funny


JackedVachyna t1_j6oqb9t wrote

Because they go on dating sites and promote to guys who aren't looking to sign up to that shit.


jazakethegreat t1_j6oqddu wrote

Because they are the telemarketers of Twitter and Tinder


Arcane-Panacea t1_j6oqnqm wrote

Yes, because I don't use OF and I don't give a single fuck about their OF. I'm not their fucking money fountain. It's extremely frustrating and disillusioning when I'm trying to have a genuine conversation with a woman and every time I let my guard down and try to talk to a girl online, they abuse me as their money slave and spam me with their OF shit. All it achieves is that I get an increasingly negative and bitter opinion of women in general.


420plus69equals t1_j6oqrl8 wrote

I can't wait to hear how you feel about other businesses


Arcane-Panacea t1_j6ormwo wrote

I don't see how that's relevant. I don't remember ever being spammed with links/pics to Pizza Hut when I was trying to have a genuine, friendly conversation with someone.


420plus69equals t1_j6osjuk wrote

I'm literally scrolling Reddit snd there are adds. Stop being an incel


Arcane-Panacea t1_j6otjeh wrote

Oh fuuuuuuck off already. This has literally nothing to do with being an incel. I'm so fucking sick of braindead morons online calling everyone an incel. I simply don't appreciate being spammed with cheap porn crap so some slut on the other side of the world can buy herself a new Gucci handbag. Anyone who uses OF is a fucking idiot.


420plus69equals t1_j6otof3 wrote

The fact that you refer to sex workers as "sluts" kind of cements the incel idea.


Arcane-Panacea t1_j6out44 wrote

They're not sex workers. I live in a country where prostitution is legal, I think I know a thing or two about this. Actual sex workers are registered with the government and pay taxes for their work. Also, sex workers provide real services, not some cheap pics online. The women on OF are regular college chicks who are fucking greedy and have found a way to milk low IQ men without having to do actual work. Just because I send you a dick pic doesn't mean I'm a "sex worker" and just because some chick takes a couple of titty pics doesn't mean she's a sex worker, either.

You sound like an absolutely obnoxious woke zoomer snowflake.


MiraYorr OP t1_j6oqvio wrote

Lmao don’t meet girls online??


Arcane-Panacea t1_j6or8z2 wrote

I don't know what that means. Are you saying I shouldn't talk to women online?


MiraYorr OP t1_j6orpz7 wrote

Most women willing to engage in conversation with a random man on the internet are in fact doing it for money sorry that’s just an absolute fact so yeah don’t message girls you don’t actually know lol


Arcane-Panacea t1_j6osl9m wrote

It's them messaging me, not the other way around. Also, there are dating subs in case you didn't know. So, if a woman makes a post saying she's looking for a boyfriend and asking for messages but then she spams you when you message her, I find that pretty fucking annoying. Obviously not all women are like that but there are some and they poison the entire pie.


MiraYorr OP t1_j6ot3oz wrote

Yeah dating subs on Reddit are absolutely where you find girls who are expecting money for their time no genuine love connections lol


Arcane-Panacea t1_j6otxe5 wrote

Well good for you that you've figured it all out a million years ago


queefybean t1_j6osgi7 wrote

I love it - get that cash my girls! I’m not interested but keep hustling!


goated95 t1_j6oxelf wrote

Naw I mean I can’t knock the hustle..


[deleted] t1_j6or3oj wrote



MiraYorr OP t1_j6ore5l wrote

Where are you seeing onlyfans being promoted that’s not already nsfw genuine question


[deleted] t1_j6ormza wrote



MiraYorr OP t1_j6orv88 wrote

I don’t believe that lol


[deleted] t1_j6oski9 wrote



MiraYorr OP t1_j6ossqd wrote

Lol yeah and Instagram will remove any post remotely mentioning it or any account with it linked in the bio same with TikTok and I never see them outside of the onlyfans hashtag on Twitter or promo groups here like do you have an actual example or ?


[deleted] t1_j6otbzp wrote



MiraYorr OP t1_j6ow9sl wrote

Then why ask if I’ve seen social media? You can turn off nsfw on Reddit since you don’t consent to it lol


[deleted] t1_j6ox7bi wrote



MiraYorr OP t1_j6oxf41 wrote

Calling them whores and then not even being able to give examples of what they do wrong just looks rude and bitter lol