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Susanburr t1_j6nv1o9 wrote

I tend to drink out of bottles or use straws I never had to use a glass to drink liquids. Is this weird?


[deleted] OP t1_j6nv5u0 wrote



Susanburr t1_j6nvwp6 wrote

Yeah. Most people drink from glass cups, but I never did in years. Is this common?


lojza3000 t1_j6nv9j5 wrote

That is normal at least here and everywhere i’ve been.


Akiram t1_j6nw224 wrote

Not super weird. I also prefer to only drink out of reclosable containers, though that might largely be due to the time I took a drink from my water cup while in bed and it turned out there was a spider in it.


VARTH_-DADER t1_j6nyneh wrote

It's your drink, you can drink it out of a plate if you want to


Spiritual_Jaguar4685 t1_j6o0xpu wrote

I'd argue that any cup-shaped vessel is a cup.

So if you mean, drinking out of mason jars or bottles, that's not strange at all. Stepping away from those to something like a bowl or pot, yeah that's pretty weird, going all the way to lapping drinks from puddles being extremely weird.