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StuckInNov1999 t1_j6ouw3b wrote

I see.

So supporting the right of people to be able to drink alcohol means I support drunk driving deaths and deaths from alcohol abuse.

as I said, asinine.


Sovreign_grounds t1_j6ovnve wrote

Guns are only intended to destroy. They serve no other purpose.

Alcohol has plenty of non destructive and deadly capabilities.

Asinine counterpoint.


StuckInNov1999 t1_j6ox84j wrote

Alcohol is literally poison.

According to the CDC roughly 50k people die every year from gun related deaths. Roughly 2/3 of them are suicide.

Meanwhile, there are over 150k alcohol related deaths each year. Three times as many people die from alcohol and what purpose does it serve? Does it improve social cohesion? Does it promote healthy lifestyles? What good purpose does it serve?

Can you use a beer to defend your home and your family? Can you use a bottle of whiskey to kill invasive animals that harm your livelihood and livestock?


Sovreign_grounds t1_j6p0dlu wrote

We banned alcohol in the 20s, it didn't take. Other countries have banned guns today, it takes pretty fucking well.

You can't just mix some fruit juice and yeast to make a gun. Guns don't just "happen" by accident from leaving some fruit juice in your cellar for too long.

Alcohol is social lubricant that has been around for thousands of years. Firearms are literally made for one purpose, to destroy things.