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Sitherio t1_j6p3wmr wrote

With my job. I'm not going to say hard work and dedication. I got lucky and had connections that got me a job that pays enough to afford a place to live.

Do you mean owning a house or renting? Both are places to live.


ipsissimus666 OP t1_j6p5i5h wrote

Just renting at least.

And same for me. Luck and connections are huge.

I live in a car right now (since last year).


words_over_the_moon t1_j6p5pu5 wrote

I moved country pretty much for this reason.

But I had to move back because my mum couldn't afford to live anywhere. So I brought half her house from her and we're roommates.


JackedVachyna t1_j6p3rn7 wrote

This thing called a job. It pays us money. Money can be exchanged for goods and services. Goods like a home.


badb-crow t1_j6p47fd wrote

I have a roommate.


LovesMeSomeRedhead t1_j6p4r65 wrote

My wife and I both work. We bought in a good market, refinanced when interest rates were low, and can swing the mortgage payments with some level of comfort.


henningknows t1_j6p5oig wrote

My job. Went to college and grad school. Got a decent gig. Bought a house


ipsissimus666 OP t1_j6pbc7e wrote

That’s awesome. Sticking through school that long has gotta be tough.


Assault_stove t1_j6p697e wrote

A good job, that I enjoy. Plus I bought my first house 7 years ago. Things were cheaper back then


RoseCityMicah t1_j6p6hgr wrote

I can't even pay my rent because the government only gives me 10 thousand dollars a year to live on just for being born disabled


ImHereToDoGood t1_j6p77rl wrote

By working…. How else. !?! My question is as serious as yours…


ipsissimus666 OP t1_j6pb4la wrote

I work as well. But I don’t make enough money to afford a room for rent.


ImHereToDoGood t1_j6pbmfp wrote

Sorry to hear. Find side hustles for a start, flip things on FB marketplace.


C4Dave t1_j6p8llh wrote

Simple. If your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep is your downfall.


featureenvy t1_j6p3xzw wrote

I lucked out and had privileges that led to me being able to get a degree that put me in a position to get software jobs that helped me pay off all my student debt and other expenses so I'm not living paycheck to paycheck and then I was able to save up for things like a deposit and then a house down payment when I was like 30. It was like luck dominoes


MINKIN2 t1_j6p43bn wrote

You live within your means and you plan for it.


TuPacSchwartz411 t1_j6p626y wrote

I have a job


ipsissimus666 OP t1_j6paz5z wrote

I have three jobs. Just don’t earn enough.


Beaches-or-mountains t1_j6pd5bo wrote

How? How does one person have 3 jobs and can’t afford housing? What do you spend your money on? Not judging I am genuinely curious.