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Chemirett t1_jaeuht5 wrote

Chaotic and violent. I would love a World like that


curious_meerkat t1_jaeulbv wrote

Power exists. The only question is what form it takes and this mostly depends on who has it.


[deleted] t1_jaeulwn wrote

That’s pretty easy. Have you seen the game “the last of us” and “the last of us 2” it would pretty much look like that


cloudburst93 t1_jaev654 wrote

I think it would be great. No more bloated bureaucrats lording over our lives.


stonewall84 t1_jaev8s5 wrote

I think it would initially be chaos. But as time went on factions would form, eventually some may merge, and then give it a few hundred years and we will be back where are started. So to speak.