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the_original_Retro t1_jaf4s0e wrote

I was accused of it.

Young woman, 17 maybe (?), posted an "I'm in trouble" question on AskReddit.

I provided some honest advice based on my own experience with something similar to her situation involving my daughter.

Her response was... weird. She replied as if she didn't actually read what I wrote at all, and her comment was full of really strange interpretations of my own input. Like, REALLY strange and as if she wasn't actually looking for help at all.

So I asked her to clarify what she meant... and she freaked out and rage-replied at me.

So I checked out her Reddit profile. <-- mistake

She was a frequent user of a really cancerous "affirmation" subReddit where you post your picture and ask for compliments, and everyone then says nice things about you.

That place was honestly surreal. People were just making up crazy compliments that had nothing at all to do with the picture, just guesses and undeserved positive statements. "I'm sure you're as smart as you are pretty", "I bet you'll be a millionaire some day!", and so on.

I could not see how all that bullshit "you're better than okay, in every possible way!" input would be helpful for someone who was seriously asking for help in a different place.

So I mentioned her presence there in the original thread as an indication that she might need a little help <-- mistake

...and I got accused of everything. Stalking, being a creep, being a pedo, scaring a young woman, and so on.

It reminded me that some people are simply not rational and not fair.

Anyways, I honestly do hope this young woman found some better reality-based help than the lies offered up to her on that awful affirmation site. She seemed really, really troubled.