Aggressive_Answer_86 t1_jaeq5rq wrote
There is not a single part of Bohemian Rhapsody that I enjoy
BretHitmanHart84 t1_jaeqfn8 wrote
anything by Bad Bunny
Zealousideal_Use_231 t1_jaeqfzh wrote
I don't like most modern music and I'm a teenager, so every party I've been to is music I can't stand listening to.
jacknshit t1_jaeqg69 wrote
I enjoy the very last piano chord at the end. I do like that.
Dabrigstar t1_jaes6bb wrote
Wonderwall by Oasis
fluffycloud1227 t1_jaesv7p wrote
Smells Like Teen Spirit
wyeeeeet370 t1_jaetsqp wrote
calypsodweller t1_jaeyr58 wrote
Stairway to Heaven
GlitterAndNicotine t1_jaf3e2q wrote
That song from stranger things from the 80s. It’s still everywhere on the radio.
stotyreturns t1_jaf46od wrote
Yes. I really don’t get how it became a crowd anthem. Can’t appreciate the lyrics either.
stotyreturns t1_jaf4gau wrote
Most of Ed Sheeren songs but Thinking Out Loud in particular. It just seems so aimless and directionless musically. And whiny.
[deleted] t1_jaeq5lu wrote
That one song