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FizzyBeverage t1_jaewd9v wrote

Cleveland Ohio, but that was expected. Prettiest city in Ohio is Cincinnati.


Moist_Level_6839 t1_jaewj59 wrote

Oxford. It wasn't as gratifying as I was expecting. Morse lied to me!


JasenBorne t1_jaewnny wrote

Paris. couple nice buildings but generally a shithole


Dare63555 t1_jaexmsd wrote

New Orleans.

It smelled of trash, vomit, and stale beer.


bigforknspoon t1_jaexuas wrote

Louisville, Ky. All one way roads before GPS couldn't find my way around.


GuiltyGlow t1_jaey3lk wrote

Most people have a vision of what LA is due to movies and T.V shows. Unfortunately, the reality is there's just homeless people and tweakers everywhere, especially in the tourist areas where you want to go to see stuff.


NickDanger3di t1_jaezdun wrote

Las Vegas. On tv, it looks so smooth and dazzling; up close it's mostly cheesy af. And everything is showing it's age.


houseofreturn t1_jaf0abz wrote

Berlin. Idk I think it was just cultural differences, but I was really excited to see the nightlife and to have a good time clubbing and like…nobody danced. It was just fist pumping the air to kinda bad EDM music. I felt like a weirdo for moving my hips at all.