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clearwind t1_jaeseqq wrote

Absolutely nothing, I tell her every day 'i love you and I am abandoning you forever '


SeizeThemMemes t1_jaesk29 wrote


I have a million times. I'll probably break down and tell them a million more.


Sweet-Vermicelli8080 t1_jaesk9n wrote

I’ll never feel good enough for her. She deserves way better.


Aggressive_Answer_86 t1_jaet4sm wrote

That might just be you talking tbh. My partner still believes I deserve better even though he’s the best thing that ever happened to me. There is nothing better


Braazeers OP t1_jaevhge wrote

Why you feel your not good enough for her? I mean if you love her show it that you deserve it show some efforts make him special and if you failed at least you tried and you show your presence and efforts rather than pulling yourself down without making any movements. I'm like this too before and I encountered competitor with my crush and I feel like I can't do it since I'm not good and I'm not pretty but I just show my precent and effort that I love her even though there is chance that he will reject me but I didn't give up and now we are almost 3yrs in the making I mean it's not everyday will be our day to get what we want but at least we do our best and that's the important part. Stand up and show to her that you deserve don't down yourself too much and don't overthink just do your best I know you can.


D-Rez t1_jaeso3z wrote

Zero benefit to do so. We work together, so it would be awkward. Never mind that she's in a happy relationship and shown zero interest in me.


__Jimmy__ t1_jaeu0az wrote

I don't have one


riffraffbri t1_jaew8v3 wrote

She's married and so am I.