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InMediaVirtus t1_jae4s75 wrote

I'm sorry for the people that suffered in anyway, but for me was good experience. No family or friends got very sick or died. Luckily my wife and my self got punctually paid by our companies during all the confinament, and I had the opportunity to stop and re-asses my life. I lost 30 kilos. Not to travel for business helped a lot in to have a helthy and equilibrated diet. We walked daily by the mountain in front of my house (yes, we live in a little village). I build a greenhouse to grow my vegetables. My cellar was reformed and filled (with good wines at discounted price due to lack of sales to restaurants and hotels, that were closed). I read books that was waiting in the library for too much time. Bought an e-mountain byke and enjoyed nice routes. Not all was good, of course, we couldn't meet family and friends as much as we wanted, no concerts, theater and so, but the bottomline was very positive. Now I take my life in a diffferent way, specially what concerns to my work.
