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Mat0fr t1_jadvwzh wrote

meeting IRL with friends


Ok-Interview9355 t1_jadvzv4 wrote

Independent/smaller/DIY music venues never really recovered


Ok-Interview9355 t1_jadw1ls wrote

My social/work life, after living like a hermit for 2 years and working from home, it's taking me a long time to go out like before.


stopdaflexin t1_jadweq9 wrote

Everybody's freedom. Nobody gets out anymore


JonMatrix t1_jadxged wrote

Working in the restaurant industry, pretty much all of our supplies. It’s getting better, but initially we couldn’t even get simple things like napkins on a consistent basis.


PhysicsIll3482 t1_jadxkp1 wrote

Seeing all these responses and saying to myself, "Yep, it did that. That too! Also that. That's right too!", not seeing any response I disagree with, I wonder what it didn't ruin more than we realize, come to think of it, ya know? Damnn....


Maleficent_Quiet_561 t1_jadxq7o wrote

Peoples conception of truth.

So many more people are conspiracy theorists now... and not the fun kind of conspriacies that it used to be...


jou_maman t1_jady4jr wrote

Kids lives not only parents were affected kids lost alot of there chilhood to covid


xaviersaucey t1_jady5j9 wrote

Kinda ruined all my highschool friend groups; cause by the time it was over we were all different people


ZackAttacks01 t1_jadyim8 wrote

Cheap Eats/Products. Ramen? Spam? Cans of Tuna? Yep. All gone up significantly.


deloreansrock t1_jadzgbk wrote

Late night eateries. Lots of places by me used to be open until midnight, now they’re all closed by 9 or 10


TailsxCream4Eva t1_jadzk0y wrote

This sub, as it loves to ask questions about that pandemic when most people in the real world have moved on.


Ordinary-Nectarine81 t1_jae00m7 wrote

To me...I realized that people have become complete assholes!! No more "excuse me," "sorry about that", smiles, hello's, courtesy, manners. Just a bunch of self titled pricks have emerged. So sad.


chaotic_hippy_89 t1_jae0r88 wrote

I’m seeing local kids walking home from school in their pajamas. They’re going to school in their pajamas so much more often now like they’re so used to just sitting around all day doing COVID school


jesuisledoctor2009 t1_jae16i6 wrote

I work in public education, and you would not believe how bad these kids are now. The ones who missed out on middle school due to COVID. Basically straight from in person elementary school to in person high school. Middle school is more formative to kids behavior than anything else, and they just do not get it. They were locked up with alcoholic parents for two years, so it's no wonder, but not something many people discuss.


ZucchiniBitter t1_jae258f wrote

I hear you but hey, perish the thought anyone tax billionaires/companies appropriately and take it out of the hundreds of billions plugged away that would net. I know some say it's "not possible" but hypothetically if it was we'd most likely not be getting screwed once again.


petitepineux t1_jae26vb wrote

The medical system. If you were in it frequently as a patient with multiple health issues, everything went to shit. Doctors burned put and left or are checked out and unabailable, insurance reshiffled prices on medications to raise costs, hospital workers are still traumatized from the beginning surge and hospitals seem to give a lower quality of care than before (from what I've heard). A lot of people with issues other than COVID had to delay treatment bc during surges the hospitals filled up unnecessarily, now the anti-vaxx movement gained traction, there is more hostility about being germ-conscious and following public health protocol bc nobody trusts the CDC (for good reason), people have started this anti-science movement in earnest. For people with chronic conditions like myself it has become a nightmare because medical supplies increased about 200% in cost. And socially it is also a nightmare bc I feel threatened asking for medical accommodations now (I'm immunocompromised) because people think I'm making a political statement because I have to wear a mask. It's scary to go out in public because you may get harrassed but it's also uncomfortable trying to mention this to friends and potential partners bc they are either traumatized bc of the pandemic or they think you're political or even mentally ill.


Shadow948 t1_jae2h9u wrote

Younger kids because most of their human interact has been from watching YouTube creators and the such during covid have started to take on very exaggerated speech mannerisms where they just randomly get loud or excited sounding mid sentence just like how streamers act like with their streaming personality.


ImInJeopardy t1_jae35rn wrote

The idea that the government will take care of its people. Not that this idea was ever too strong to begin with... But it's definitely dead now.


dependabledepression t1_jae3cc0 wrote

Public etiquette, no one knows how to act in public anymore (not that they did prior, but it's so much worse now), movie theatres, restaurants, school, etc..


Tiara2002 t1_jae420x wrote

People of education. Seriously, even before pandemic not a lot people were fond of the idea of becoming teachers. And now teachers appreciate their work even less, as well as their students.


Tor451 t1_jae42mn wrote

I am all for taxing billionaires but I won't ever equate a billionaire to a corporation. Those are totally different things. I don't think corporations should be taxed at a high rate. I think billionaires income should be taxed at 90+%


Maleficent_Quiet_561 t1_jae4jo7 wrote

And there we go.

So all the people outside of America who have their own health departments and their own experts... trusted America big pharma?

And of course the evil govt of every country told us to wear masks just to exercise their dominance, right????


InMediaVirtus t1_jae4s75 wrote

I'm sorry for the people that suffered in anyway, but for me was good experience. No family or friends got very sick or died. Luckily my wife and my self got punctually paid by our companies during all the confinament, and I had the opportunity to stop and re-asses my life. I lost 30 kilos. Not to travel for business helped a lot in to have a helthy and equilibrated diet. We walked daily by the mountain in front of my house (yes, we live in a little village). I build a greenhouse to grow my vegetables. My cellar was reformed and filled (with good wines at discounted price due to lack of sales to restaurants and hotels, that were closed). I read books that was waiting in the library for too much time. Bought an e-mountain byke and enjoyed nice routes. Not all was good, of course, we couldn't meet family and friends as much as we wanted, no concerts, theater and so, but the bottomline was very positive. Now I take my life in a diffferent way, specially what concerns to my work.


Tor451 t1_jae6gqf wrote

Yup, he was calling the reaction of the Democrats a hoax. At the same time he was doing a million other things that showed he considered it an emergency. Trump is an idiot who speaks like an idiot. Twisting the stupid stuff he says is counterproductive. I don't care about it. There are so many things he did wrong that we don't need to make stuff up.


Maleficent_Quiet_561 t1_jae6h4e wrote

Omg. You claim people trusted big pharma... so you honestly think the entire world simply did whatever the America health industry asked them to do?

So by that logic... every single nations independent health departments and scientists/ experts who devoted their entire lifes to their career just decided to do the bidding of WHO and big pharma?


ZucchiniBitter t1_jae6kri wrote

For clarification I was talking about billionaires who evade/avoid paying tax(es). Forgive me for not being clearer. Although I'm one who subscribes to the thought that there shouldn't be billionaires and people starving to death on the same planet but that's a different topic entirely.


Maleficent_Quiet_561 t1_jaeahah wrote

You must be trolling.

I will try and simplify this again, hopefully your one braincell can understand it this time.

Your dumbass said big pharma lied to everyone... i said thats dumb as fuck because it assumes that every other country, for some reason, was following big pharmas lead. Understand now you fucking idiot?


Tor451 t1_jaeaj49 wrote

I am surprised people blindly trusted masking as being productive even after Fauci said not to trust masks then flip flopped on it, I am surprised people trusted masking without evidence of it working

It was counterproductive because people had a false sense of security when wearing masks just for starters.

It's logically consistent so I have no idea what your issue is


Double_Stuffd_Whoreo t1_jaeb0fc wrote

Fauci’s statement early on in the pandemic was to avoid a mask shortage for healthcare workers. Not that you care about the details, but that was well documented. Time went on, the mask supply changed, ergo advice from the CDC changed.

I do agree with you that the half-assed attempt to mask (as well as social distance and vaccinate) in America cost lives.


Double_Stuffd_Whoreo t1_jaecbwx wrote

There’s no point to continue arguing this - it has been debunked and settled. I know it’s tough to accept that a changing pandemic resulted in changing guidance from the CDC, but to expect things to always be the same is simply rigid, black and white thinking.


Tor451 t1_jaeedss wrote

Debunked now? Lol I expect experts who claim to represent science, like Fauci did, to have some type of scientific evidence to back up their changing guidelines. I expect them to be honest with us, to not say one thing publicly then another privately.

If he believed masks worked then he should tell us. If he wanted medical professionals to have them and was concerned about supply he should have done what my governor did, tell us to donate medical grade masks and use cloth masks.

Masks did not work. We know that now. We need a to accept where we were wrong and move on I was wrong about masks too. I was lied to and I was wrong because I believed those lies instead of fact checking Millions of people wore dirty masks because of a shortage , how many were harmed by that?
At work I am to change my filters every 8 hours. Those are the guidelines. Did they ever tell us to do that? Nope, they said "wear two instead"


Joe-Schmeaux t1_jaef41e wrote

I think about this from time to time. If the government, which basically runs on taxes, cannot be trusted to take care of the people, but there aren't many alternatives, and their programs are becoming more and more ineffective...should we listen when they say they need more tax revenue?

On the one hand, things like social security, disability, medicare/aid, education, highway safety, military defense, etc., are paid for with taxes, and all of those things except for military are suffering or inadequate. People on fixed incomes cannot afford to live anywhere. Public education is notoriously underfunded and constantly under attack. Infrastructure in this country is decades behind maintenance. Healthcare has been hijacked by for-profit interests to the point where thousands of people die every year not because they couldn't be treated, but because they couldn't pay.

On the other hand, if we dismantled those programs and allowed the public sector to attempt to fill the gaps, corporate interests would misalign with humanitarian challenges, and arguably things would get much worse. It's sort of a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. I'd gladly pay a higher percentage of taxes if (1) rich people had to, too, and (2) those taxes were actually used for the things we so desperately need if we don't wish to become some sort of hellscape.

At this point, I don't know what government could do to regain trust from the people, but not trusting them at all would leave us in the hands of the oligarchs, whose solutions would in all likelihood be much more calculating and cruel. Ooh, look, something shiny!


Double_Stuffd_Whoreo t1_jaef6vh wrote

Yup, the claim that Fauci said “masks don’t work” was grasped onto and used as political fuel for Trump’s supporters and his conspiracy-minded friends in the media.

Two questions:

Search mask effectiveness for covid - the CDC and Mayo are among the top results, both of which still recommend mask usage (including data) for reducing the contraction/transmission of covid. This directly contradicts your view. What do you make of that?

How would you have liked the mask policy to be handled in America?


dw87190 t1_jaeg4w9 wrote

My patience for Australian left wingers and right wingers


itsinmybloodScotland t1_jaej6ne wrote

Children just born. Basically never got out for 2 years. When you think about it that was absolutely heartbreaking


Jent01Ket02 t1_jaenkoj wrote

It was a rare lunar event on the night where most people would have the most free time. It would have been the perfect Halloween night for everyone to have fun. Instead, they were all stuck at home.


jbwise1221 t1_jaf0fzk wrote

Might be true somewhere, but there are concerts, restaurants and festivals galore where I live, which was one of the strictest covid protocol states in the US. Maybe you and your peer group is super cautious, but that’s a choice you make freely. I have been to a dozen festivals in four countries since June of 21. I have probably been to 60 concerts most of which have sold out.

So in general, you are free to get together with people and have fun if you think it’s worth the risk. And many people are doing just that.