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Laiko_Kairen t1_jaeyjjr wrote

I'm deaf in one ear. I can't tell what direction sound is coming from

It's kind of like how people who close one eye lose depth perception


Craynak t1_jaf0fa0 wrote

Traumatic Brain injury and neuro divergent because of it. I’d love a book where someone represented me besides dying a few moments later or on life support. I’m either licking windows or being a foot note from the bad guys rampage lol


Peterleclark t1_jaf0nh2 wrote

I have cerebral palsy.

My dad isn’t a cancer riddled meth dealer.

He’s dead.


Fun-Alternative-2812 t1_jaf3n9q wrote

The world is not a mystery to me as someone who's blind. I just experience it differently.