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MotherOfBorzoi t1_jaeinj7 wrote

Nobody knows I'm infertile except my doctor, family and friends


disko123 OP t1_jaeirba wrote

Then how was your family and friends reaction??


MotherOfBorzoi t1_jaejbv2 wrote

They really only cared about how I felt about it. But I honestly didn't care much, it was elective for the benefit of my health and we don't mind adopting any more than having kids naturally


disko123 OP t1_jaen5tj wrote

Any disappointments on not passing on your genes successfully??


MotherOfBorzoi t1_jaer7fy wrote

No, I'd just pass on the same issues to a female because they're genetic. Not to mention any of the other health issues we would pass on regardless of gender


xtingu t1_jaeiu9s wrote

Why would society know?

Why would you define yourself like that? What else defines you?


disko123 OP t1_jaej2cu wrote

Well for couples who don't adopt, they might be childless for decades and ppl might notice, and I'm not defining it social circles do


xtingu t1_jaeltox wrote

Maybe you're child-free by choice.

And so what if they notice? It's none of their business. If it is, they really, really need a hobby.


disko123 OP t1_jaendgx wrote

Any disappointments in not passing on your genes


Sheesha1992 t1_jaeiuyj wrote

Everyone always says things like "but aren't kids the whole point of life?" or "Don't you think you're being selfish?"

They don't understand, I get that, but damn does it get annoying.


pay-this-fool t1_jaej62h wrote

Who the heck would even know………. Or care?


disko123 OP t1_jaen1kq wrote

Social circle


pay-this-fool t1_jaeolc3 wrote

I know a handful of couples that couldn’t conceive. I don’t think anyone had an opinion of them either way. It just seems like a non-issue. Idk


disko123 OP t1_jaepat8 wrote

That's not the case for everyone and there's an element of disappointment for not passing your genes on to the next generation


pay-this-fool t1_jaesl8a wrote

I’m not saying it’s not disappointing for the couple trying to conceive. I would imagine it’s very disheartening………. And IVF is hugely expensive.

But The question was how does society treat you. And I don’t think they treat these people any differently.