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carbonchemicals t1_jaf495o wrote

Yes, Kamala has done exactly zero.

(I voted for Biden, and I am not some Trumper)


duck729 t1_jaf4j1s wrote

Ideally, that’s not a bad thing. Being out of the media cycle is not a bad thing. She handles somewhat mundane tasks and keeps out of the limelight. That’s what you’d generally expect from a VP. We’ve been conditioned by Cheney who was pulling all sorts of strings, and Pence who was in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. A VP shouldn’t be garnering all the attention, that’s not what the position calls for.


NiteShdw t1_jaf4oyo wrote

Exactly. She’s not a liability.


carbonchemicals t1_jaf4xbm wrote

But she ain’t a plus either.

But mostly let’s hope neither Biden nor Kamala run again tbh


Improvedandconfused t1_jaf4ss5 wrote

Serious question. What is the Vice President actually able to do? Here in Australia the Deputy Prime Minister has no power to do anything at all.