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datactopus t1_iqqb4o3 wrote

Yeah I’m thinking the same thing every time someone worships an older appliance on this sub. Sure it works and god bless its sturdiness but you’re completely ignoring the energy efficiency measurement. Low energy consumption (and not a brand either lol) is what I’d be prioritising when picking my dryer / washing machine etc.


thrakkerzog t1_iqr1l7c wrote

How much energy is used in the manufacturing and delivery of the new one?

Both are a waste of resources.


h_floresiensis t1_iqr3v5j wrote

It makes me think of whenever the landlord supplies the appliances but doesn't pay the utilities. I was spending $25 a month to power a relic of a fridge, plus all the wasted heat from the single pane windows in a place that routinely gets to be -30. We ended up unplugging the fridge and going with a bar fridge instead.

In my mind anti-consumption/reducing waste includes utilities. We have finite resources everywhere and gotta balance that.


atxtopdx t1_iqr7rih wrote

Ah yes. Thanks for the interesting perspective. Also, it was a fun five minutes to imagine your life, and if I could do that too. Thanks for the mind trip!