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elepuddnlily t1_ira1tic wrote

I actually am not happy with mine. After only doing a minimal amount of cutting the blades start to get sticky and don’t reopen. Not sure if I just have a faulty pair where the spring isn’t powerful enough to make them reopen but it’s a real pain in the butt.


Safe-Barnacle t1_ira4p18 wrote

If I'm using mine on anything sticky I keep a scotchbrite pad in my tool belt and give the blade a scrub here and there. Also, your blade adjustment might be set too tight or you might need to lubricate the blade. These are famously popular secateurs, you should be able to make them work for you with some tweaking.


jcbevns t1_iracq5g wrote

After using mine on the farm, if they gum up and not open, I just spit on the blade and rub it around, good to go again. Not amazing but works in a pinch when you're actually out working in the field, not just a hobby farm.

You want that nice close blade on jaw action, it's natural that they gum up with sap or dirt from the bark. If you really want, take out an oily rag and clean them when you need.

But it's not like something should just "work forever" without some care.


Halfbloodjap t1_irbi8t7 wrote

Hell it works on a hobby farm too, who wants to stop when you get into the rhythm of work?


BakedBeanFlicker t1_ira999w wrote

Have you been shown how to take them apart and clean/sharpen them properly? Take a look at some YouTube videos. To keep them in proper working order for years this is essential knowledge


AnthonyJackalTrades t1_ircvj35 wrote

They can gum up (I've trimmed rubber trees with them), but so can anything. Couple drops of oil so that it coats the blade and drips to the hinge, open and close it a couple times, good to go.


Regge991 t1_ircgn7b wrote

WD-40 works great too. I use it to clean milky sap off my Silky Zubat and Gomtaro


SOPalop t1_irbis3n wrote

I've found the newest Felco 2's stick more than the older ones even though they are exactly the same (tolerances maybe). I run them slightly looser and lube them more where the old ones can go without lube for years.


elepuddnlily t1_irbyh22 wrote

What do you use for lube?


SOPalop t1_irc9zcs wrote

If I take it apart, I use a general waterproof grease inside. If it's the new set, I just squirt a mineral oil in the gap and on the spring. Either liquid or a spray like INOX.

Someone suggested a motorbike chain lube for the spring to me as well.


user_none t1_irag0ct wrote

Clorox wipes clean off sap residue really well.


Arsnicthegreat t1_irdfqqq wrote

That's pretty much what you'll get with any pruner that has good blade alignment. If you're doing a lot of pruning, especially if you're pruning multiple individuals, cleaning and sterilization is a must.


anoldradical t1_irbzn8t wrote

Yeah I completely agree. All these suggestions about adjusting it and taking it apart- I just rather not have to do any of that. I'm back to using my kitchen shears with the little hook part of the blade.


Safe-Barnacle t1_irc9knn wrote

Yeah, definitely don't listen to people who successfully use the most popular brand of secateurs worldwide, every day, as part of their career or livelihood. Give up and use your kitchen shears.