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Joaquox t1_irhj0t2 wrote

Maybe see if you can replace the seals on the fridge if they are old. The fridge is likely pulling way more than your cup of tea.


Loobeensky OP t1_iri6dpo wrote

That's a very good advice too, thanks! It's possible that the current ones are compelety messed up, every month I end up with a 3cm thick layer of icy buildup, never had it freezing this bad before tbh.


kitier_katba t1_iricuos wrote

Yeah, your fridge is the source of most of your energy probs then.


Joaquox t1_iriiian wrote

Yeah, then it's leaking, that's not supposed to happen! They are usually cheap, so even if the landlord won't pay for it, might be worth to just swallow the cost.