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F-21 t1_jaq15lj wrote

I own an IBM Thinkpad that'll probably outlive the Framework :)

That said, I had a mid-2012 MBP that was awesome, never had any issues. Swapped to SSD at some point and it was still fine a decade after it was made. That's as BIFL as it can be for tech in my opinion. People saying "this is the last laptop I'll buy" are probably exaggerating. If a laptop lasts you 10 years, you need 5 or 6 in your lifetime - and that's fine by me.

At some point, "upgrades" don't cut it and the Framework (if it stays afloat) will have to be redesigned from scratch to benefit from the latest tech.

I'm sure it will last for a long time and will be easy to repair. But it certainly won't last forever.

For example, in 2018 I bought an ipad Pro and 5 years later it's still terrific. No stutters or anything... It fully replaced my MBP last year when I sold the laptop (and still got 300€ for it!). I'm sure it'll be totally fine for the next 5 years, possibly even 10...


Goldie1822 OP t1_jaqsi2s wrote

I’m not sure you get the concept of the framework. You can upgrade and replace the internal and external components as needed. From the chassis to the motherboard to the keyboard and anything in between.


F-21 t1_jaqv1tg wrote

That's if the company stays afloat, and at some point if you replace everything, it's not even the same computer anymore and to me it seems you may even end up dumping way more money into it.

It would be an entirely different thing if such modular construction was standardized and used by everyone, but that is extremely unlikely to happen.


Walkop t1_jargjn0 wrote

So far, so good. They've been around for a while now, and the LTT has a pretty massive investment in them.


fergan59 t1_jaqx8nb wrote

I like the concept but they are too expensive and the replacement parts are also too expensive. If there was a thriving second hand parts market it could be feasible for some, but it's just too niche for that to happen.


ThirdeYe1337 t1_jaq26s1 wrote

I’m still rocking my old Lenovo G780 I bought in 2012. Core i5 and a gt630. Wasn’t terribly expensive at the time, maybe $700-750 with an extra stick of RAM. I still use it every day. Upgraded the HDD to an SSD last year to buy it more time. Everything still works great but the battery is getting weaker… I’m lucky to get an hour out of it at lower brightness.


F-21 t1_jaq2e8w wrote

Yeah I swappes the one in my MBP at some point.

Still, I considered it a wear item and ot was really easy to replace. Not something I'd fault the PC for, at some point a battery just needs to be replaced...


ThirdeYe1337 t1_jaq2nk6 wrote

Absolutely. I still have my old HP laptop I bought in 2005 and that still works great, too, albeit extremely slow. I think I may even have the original battery in it but I can’t remember for sure. I remember i had the cpu fan replaced under warranty when it was new and the charging cable around 2009-2010. I hardly ever use it anymore, though.