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Generic_Lad t1_jaruikv wrote

It still has the same flaws as every other laptop out there and is expensive for what you get

Your motherboard has a fault, well you aren't repairing the motherboard, you're buying a new motherboard

Your screen dies? You're not repairing the screen, you're replacing the screen.

Your trackpad dies? You're not repairing the trackpad, you're replacing it.

It makes more financial sense to buy an equivalent non-"BIFL" laptop that will last you a few years than buy something like this. Especially when you're paying such a steep premium.

Pretty much everything is better when comparing to an equivalent laptop by Apple or another brand in terms of raw specs and most of the repairability is basically the same either way when you're not including labor.


ChaiTRex t1_jat9804 wrote

They didn't say that this allowed you to repair the motherboard, they said that this allowed you to repair the laptop. It does.

What you're saying is equivalent to if someone said they actually did repair a motherboard, but you pointed out that they didn't repair that resistor, they replaced it.