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Citrus075 t1_jcnn9hn wrote

I don't get why this is seen as weird by some people. I'm 17 and I collect Hotwheels. I get weird looks from people when I'm looking at them in stores.


marktherobot-youtube OP t1_jcno13l wrote

Yeah it's strange, you'd think people would be able to understand something as simple as "toys are for fun, not kids"

Because that's really what toys are, a source of enjoyment, passion, and even artist expression depending on what you do with them, they aren't for kids, they are for whoever wants to play with them.


Finetales t1_jcns3s1 wrote

I'm 29 and I also collect Hot Wheels. I have well over 1500 at this point lmao


Citrus075 t1_jcnsdqr wrote

Holy shit lol, I've got like 75 and I thought that was a lot. I mostly collect American muscle cars and a few JDM or other cars that I like. What do you like to collect mostly?


Finetales t1_jco40kr wrote

Well, I've been amassing them since I was a kid. I don't even try to collect a lot or get all of a specific thing, I just go to the store and buy the ones I like once in a while. There are people in way deeper than me who prowl eBay for specific cars they want and spend $20+ on one $2 car. The whole point of collecting Hot Wheels in my view is that it's the ultimate casual, cheap hobby.

I definitely have a lot of sports cars and exotics, but honestly my favorites to find are the ones that are just normal cars you'd see on the street. Right now the only one I actually have out on my desk and not sitting in a box is a fancy Matchbox garbage truck lol.

Also, I take them all out of the packaging. I buy them because I like to look at them, not as an investment. Eventually I want to do a big stop motion video with all of them, but most of the collection stays on the other side of the country from where I live lol.


ApostropheusDeletus t1_jcocgfr wrote

Wait a few years and you realise nobody is looking at you and that you're just imagining those looks.

Nobody gives a fuck about what a stranger is browsing for at a store and won't give you a second thought the moment they leave the aisle.

They might care if you're trying to mouth fuck the toys or talking to them in low, hushed tones I guess. You uh... You don't do any of that, do you?


eclipse1498 t1_jcp91b2 wrote

I am older than that and never get weird looks browsing for hot wheels. I think most people know that some people collect them, it’s not that unusual. Even if they don’t, they’d probably just assume you’re getting a gift for someone.

Keep collecting!