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SloChild t1_jd3f9d5 wrote


Wait, no... my dad refuses to use the internet. But I swear he has the exact same boots, custom made from White's, and Stanley thermos, custom modified by years of use. Even stranger, his front door and entrance look nearly identical... I'm a little freaked out at the moment.


percheron0415 OP t1_jd3ghx6 wrote

Sounds like a man with a taste for the finer things in life.

My whites were also custom orders, and you can’t beat a thermos that looks like it’s lived a long and interesting life. I also am a dad, but unless my 2 year old daughter or 6 month old son learned how to use Reddit (god forbid), I don’t think I’m yours.


SloChild t1_jd3hx1s wrote

Hehe, if you're anything like mine then you're freaking awesome. But then again, you'd also be over 80... so there's that.

FYI, and a story you might find interesting: when my dad asked each of us what we want from him in his will, my wife said she wants his boots (to clarify, she's Asian, and we take our shoes off at the door. Having his boots at our door means he would then forever be in our home with us). My wonderful wife loves my dad as much as I do.

On a happier note; I'm curious to know if White's still makes a mold of your feet to build custom boots, or if they've moved to a more modern method?


stillcantshoot t1_jd530cx wrote

More modern methods now, you can still do a 1 off fit but they just go off of measurements. They'll also do a fit consultation based off your other boots or send you a try on pair.


SloChild t1_jd6y0v2 wrote

Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.


mildlyhorrifying t1_jd81cwq wrote

I also thought this was my dad at first. He didn't get a smartphone until like 2016, though. I doubt he knows what Reddit is/how to use it.