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podaypodayson OP t1_jcwcqey wrote

Thanks. Perhaps I misinterpreted the comment I replied to. Yes, it’s expensive (and honestly unnecessary). But it’s BIFL, so here we are!


humanzee70 t1_jcwdkhs wrote

Well, I’m sure it sounds amazing. Many years ago, when I was in high school, a friend’s parents had a beautiful McIntosh system (they still do). We used to love cranking that thing up when they weren’t home!


podaypodayson OP t1_jcwexnt wrote

I think I’m too old for cranking up the volume these days. I mostly just sit and listen while reading or working on a spreadsheet. Adulthood is exciting!


humanzee70 t1_jcwm92g wrote

Adulthood has it’s own rewards.


alphabet_order_bot t1_jcwm9zj wrote

Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order.

I have checked 1,409,457,235 comments, and only 269,283 of them were in alphabetical order.


seamallowance t1_jcxch0c wrote

Yes, but they all involve Ibuprofen.


Koitenshin t1_jcz3fra wrote

I laughed harder at this than I should have. Then I had to take an ibuprofen.


seamallowance t1_jczazl2 wrote

I am pleased to read of other’s passion for vintage hifi. I have Hafler gear. None of my peers care. It often seems that nobody under 50 appreciates vintage hifi. I just tell them to get off my lawn.


ywBBxNqW t1_jczlnfw wrote

> Adulthood has it’s own rewards.

Like hypertension and swollen ankles.


humanzee70 t1_jcznmlr wrote

No swollen ankles yet, but the hypertension is settling in, lol.


Bootyblastastic t1_jcx83v3 wrote

But if you were to crank it up, what would you blast? Or what was the last album you cranked up?


Jisp_36 t1_jcxn4tk wrote

Please excuse me, I realise your question was directed at the Op but I can't resist. Mine was AC/DC Back In Black. Cranked all the way up to 11 because that is the only way to listen to that masterpiece.📢🎤🎸🥁📢


Dlemor t1_jcxzfhp wrote

For those about to rock, we salut you! FIRE!


podaypodayson OP t1_jd0528z wrote

Oh man… that’s a tough one, as it depends greatly on the mood. Top five crank up tunes that come to mind (in no particular order):

  1. Low Self Opinion-Rollin’s Band
  2. Life On Mars-David Bowie
  3. Adore-Prince
  4. John Finn’s Wife-Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds
  5. Regret-Fiona Apple

ski-dad t1_jcyr7ei wrote

I don’t know.. 50’s here and was cranking Jane’s Addiction - Three Days this weekend. Sounded pretty good!