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Muncie4 t1_jdwuzq2 wrote

Your question has no answer. Now before you think I'm an internet asshat, hear me out.

  1. I could mention one of 500 products. We'll say Neatsfoot oil. You go buy some on my recommendation and you find that it turns your lovely light brown sofa into a dark brown mass that you hate. Now you hate me. Replace Neatsfoot oil with any of 500 products.
  2. Easy. I have no idea what that means nor does anyone else. 500 products have 500 form factors and 500 application techniques, we have no idea what you consider to be easy.
  3. Aesthetics. 500 products also have both shine and consistency variations. If I mention Product X and you use it, it will have a high shine which you hate and now you hate me. If I mention Product Y and you use it, it will have a slightly tacky surface finish which you will hate and now you hate me.

We made this amazing thing called the internet. It will list the 500 products. Pick one that suits your budget from a vendor with a great return policy. Test in an inconspicuous area. Mentally determine if the discoloration/shine/tack/ease of use meets your ideals, then sally forth or return and buy Product #2.


MavriKhakiss OP t1_jdxjooy wrote


Throwing a question on Reddit is part of the investigative process on the internet. You’re reply s semi helpful in the regard, but I get your meaning.


BlarkinsYeah t1_jdy9vmz wrote

Don’t worry OP - this person trolls on the BIFL subreddit all the time. I don’t know why they’re still posting here…


MavriKhakiss OP t1_jdyal17 wrote

I’m just worried about him spending so much effort being useless. 🤷🏼‍♂️