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waymonster t1_jdt83uv wrote

I’ve never understood this sub. Water, everyone likes it. What is there to talk about? lol. Is there a sub for oxygen?


Eff_Tee t1_jdt92sy wrote

> Water, everyone likes it.

I think you understand this sub more than you realize.


waymonster t1_jdt99i1 wrote

But what is there to discuss? I’m not judging just find it funny as a discussion topic. If I ever randomly join people talking about how good water is in real life. I think I’d just laugh lol


Khaosfury t1_jdtdfkt wrote

I think it's for the people who remind everyone else to drink water, since (at least in my personal experience) a lot of people don't think much about keeping their water intake up and are thus dehydrated despite being surrounded by clean water. I don't personally visit it much but that's my understanding at least.


HunterThompsonsentme t1_jdu1d1q wrote

Back in my day that sub was called r/ WaterNiggas but as it gained popularity, they changed it to something your face. The original meme was kind of an ironic play on how water tastes vs how it's necessary for life. That's the whole joke. "damn this water actually kinda fire???" well of course it is, it's what sustains life on this earth.

There was also a specifically black sensibility to the original joke, playing off a cultural stereotype that black people don't drink water, in fact they drink anything BUT water--soda, grape juice, energy drinks etc. Mostly just a stereotype, but I remember when those memes started circulating a lot of them came from "black people twitter"

It has since devolved into a subreddit for hydration and potable water appreciation ....and that's fine too. But the real ones remember the water niggas


N-Waverace t1_jdtkdgd wrote

It seems like we are increasingly being notsurrounded by clean water


Pschobbert t1_jdtcqbt wrote

That's the point (I think). People making a big fuss about nothing at all, and other people laughing at them :) I mean yes, water is life, but to some people it's like a religion!


GavrielBA t1_jdw0dnf wrote

I don't know where you live but from my experience 1st world countries don't like water. They'll drink anything but water. Beer. Coffee. Tea. Cola. Other soft drinks. Fake juices. Milk. Protein shakes. You name it

Drinking water is too... Plebe for them


BowTrek t1_jdulyzd wrote

Half the people I know hate water. My aunt even told me that after 40 years of marriage she’d never seen my uncle drink water— he even took medicine with juice or soda.


Emotional_Tourist_65 t1_jduw2nw wrote

This made me actually laugh out loud in bed and wake the wife up!! My wife calls the soda I take my pills with a "Sleepy Soda" since I never finish at bedtime.


LiveLearnCoach t1_jdwq5md wrote

For the sake of your teeth, I really hope it’s sugar-free. And even then I’d be concerned about the acidity of carbonation.

Wishing you good health (and teeth).


flaskum t1_jduogth wrote

Haha you cant live without water. Soda is water and sugar you know.


BowTrek t1_jduoxiv wrote

You do understand my point? The sub they are talking about is specifically about drinking water. Often plain but sometimes with lemon or cucumber, etc.

No one is claiming that soda is not mostly water. But people drinking soda don’t say they are drinking water. They say they are having soda.


flaskum t1_jdv183m wrote

I get your point. What I don’t get is people saying they hate water.


Coryh83 t1_jdvhwkt wrote

I always color my water black before i drink it.


BubbRubbsSecretSanta t1_jdtcwce wrote

For the folks that don’t take water for granted and also embrace it as part of their personality. Like the dudes at the gym that carry full gallons for some reason - I don’t get it, but that’s why I’m no hydro homie.


flaskum t1_jduocpd wrote

Water. The most important thing to life! What is there not to talk about?


woolsocksandsandals t1_jduuxzs wrote

Dude, people literally make posts in that sub that basically ask “how do I drink more water?”