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jwronk t1_jdmxkq7 wrote

I can’t speak on this particular brand, but I have purchased similar leather products from a brand called Portland Leather. My wife has had her oldest for a number of years now and it shows no wear whatsoever. The leather is thick and sturdy, and all the fasteners and stitches appear strong. The prices can be steep (similar to what you mentioned in your original post) but they also have a “less than perfect section” where you will find excellent discounted pieces. Don’t tell my wife but I mostly shop the less than perfect category for her (she can’t tell the difference).


Sweeneysmithy OP t1_jdmy48g wrote

I just checked, they unfortunately only ship in the US. Thanks though!


jwronk t1_jdmz624 wrote

Ah too bad. Good luck shopping!