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Ray_Band t1_irxwsoh wrote

Yeah! I think 1000 is the lowest you'll find these days.

This was back in the days when they were still kinda marketing them as a potential replacement for an actual over, so I wondered if it was going to be some crazy 2000 watt model.


LudovicoSpecs t1_irya3y9 wrote

My mom had one of those. Holee shit did it nuke stuff fast. She bought it back before food had microwave instructions. First test was a chicken kiev that took 45 minutes in the oven. Figured--ah-- 10 minutes in the microwave??

Fucking charcoal briquette.

Put it on the kitchen counter with a sign as a warning to the rest of the family.


darthfruitbasket t1_is1sah6 wrote

My grandparents had one bought in '78 or '79, Granddad wanted the top of the line.

That thing could boil water in ~2 minutes, even when it was 30 years old.